Take Care of Your Pets in Winter
It is natural that change in the season also brings some changes of our needs same way pets also bring about some changes in their needs as the season changes. Owners should take precaution during winter season to prevent any last minute major problem that could spoil your Christmas holidays.
Most of the dogs don’t like to go outside in winter; many pet owners make the mistake by taking their dogs outside thinking that they would enjoy themselves better, when they are allowed to roam outside. If your dog is specifically a winter breed then it is ok to get him/her out side in winter, some pet experts give advice to keep your dogs inside the house when the temperature falls significantly. They do not like to stay in fresh cold air for long time; they need to stay lot of time with their owners and family members. And when they are separated from their owners they would have some behavioral problems.
If you want to be sure that your pet is healthy in winter season, check for hypothermia, if they are spending lot of time outdoors in winter, of even if they are in at cold houses. These are the symptoms of the hypothermia in which they are trembling of shriving, gums that are pale, unusually large breeds of dogs, one can be sure that his/her pet is suffering from hypothermia by checking his/her pets heart rate and by checking the body temperature which is less than 95 degree Fahrenheit.
If your pet really feeling cold then provide him/her a warn cloth or booties. Your friends may laugh at your for such a thing but this is to be done to take care of your pet in winter. You should make sure that you keep cleans rags or old towels near the door for when your pet comes from outdoors. You need to rub them down and clean them thoroughly.
If your pet is spending lot of time in house then make sure that the house is big and he/she gets proper space to stand up and turn around. The house should be constructed in such a way that it doesn’t face direct wind. The doors must be proper insulated to keep snow and ice out. And if you are going out for a holidays with your family then your pet should be checked everyday, ask for your friends or relatives to make daily visits.